David Stroupe co-edits book aimed at improving science teacher preparation

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Michigan State University scholar David Stroupe is co-editor of a new book aiming to better prepare educators for ambitious and equitable science teaching.

“Some people think that teachers can memorize all they needed to know, and that we can measure that knowledge on tests and confirm they are re a good teacher,” said Stroupe, associate professor of teacher education at MSU. “We know that doesn’t work.”

Instead, this book highlights a shift in teacher education: “We want teachers to know what important teaching practices and knowledge are, why they are important, how they fit into a bigger picture of teaching and learning and how to see the practices through a lens of equity and justice work. Equally as important, future teachers need opportunities to rehearse those practices in preparation programs.”

The book is one of the first published works with the goal of having science education researchers across institutions work more collaboratively on building a shared language, tools and practices to improve teacher preparation

The book is co-edited by Karen Hammerness, director of educational research and evaluation at the American Museum of Natural History, and Scott McDonald, an associate professor and director of the Krause Innovation Studio in the Pennsylvania State University College of Education.

Pre-orders available through Harvard Education Publishing at https://www.hepg.org/hep-home/books/preparing-science-teachers-through-practice-based#

Read the entire article in MSU College of Education News.