Young African-American female student looking at screen

CREATE for STEM has been awarded additional funding from the George Lucas Educational Foundation to focus on adapting existing materials to the current COVID environment. 

“The team at Michigan State University’s CREATE for STEM Institute has made great strides in supporting elementary teachers using the Multiple Literacies through Project Based Learning program,” said Kristin De Vivo, executive director of the George Lucas Educational Foundation. “With school closures last year and a move to distance learning, students face significant challenges in their academic, social and emotional development.

“To meet the needs of teachers, students and school communities and to prevent further learning loss, Lucas Educational Research is proud to support the study of adaptations to the grades 3-5 curriculum and professional learning for use in virtual and hybrid contexts,” De Vivo said.

Read the entire article featured in MSU Today. 

Read more about Mulitple Literacies Project-Based Learning (ML-PBL).

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