Namsoo Shin, Ph.D.

Photo of Namsoo Shin
Associate Professor, Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education

Namsoo Shin is the Associate Director of Innovation at the CREATE for STEM Institute and is an Associate Professor in Counseling, Educational Psychology, and  Special Education at Michigan State University. She is interested in the research and development of individualized, customized learning environments to support the learning of all students. She is engaged in complex research and evaluation of various projects and in designing classroom activities, learning technology tools, and assessments. Her work focuses on evidence-based learning progressions to inform curriculum, instruction, and design for evaluation and support learners in developing problem-solving skills. Namsoo received the Young Researcher Award from the Association for Educational Communications and Technology in 1999. She received an invited professorship from Seoul National University in Seoul, South Korea, in 2011, and an invited research professorship from Ewha Woman's University in Seoul, South Korea, in 2009. 

Namsoo spent ten years at the University of Michigan before coming to MSU in 2015. She received her Ph.D. in Instructional Systems from Pennsylvania State University (Advisor: David H. Jonassen, Ph.D.) in 1998.

Contact information

Erickson Hall
620 Farm Ln Room 115
East Lansing MI 48824