Wanjoo Ahn

Photo of Wanjoo Ahn
Doctoral student - Research Assistant

Wanjoo holds a Bachelor's degree from Ewha Womans University and a Master's degree from Seoul National University in Korea, both in Science Education. Her research focuses on supporting both inservice and preservice teachers in creating science classrooms that are equitable, just, and responsive to the needs and strengths of all students, with particular attention to students from diverse and historically marginalized cultural, racial, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds. Additionally, she is working on a project aimed at enhancing teacher professional development through video resources, supporting teachers in integrating Computational Thinking into content areas like science, math, social studies, and literacy with equitable teaching practices. Wanjoo has five years of experience teaching Earth Sciences and Integrated Sciences at the high school level in Korea.

Contact information

620 Farm Lane, Room 115

East Lansing, MI 48824
