Chemical bonding is central to explaining many phenomena. Research in chemical education and the Framework for K–12 Science Education (the Framework) argue for new approaches to learning chemical bonding grounded in (1) using ideas of the balance of electric forces and energy minimization to explain bond formation, (2) using learning progressions (LPs) grounded in these ideas to support learning, and (3) engaging students in 3D learning reflected in integrating the three dimensions of scientific knowledge to make sense of phenomena. The dimensions include disciplinary core ideas, scientific and engineering practices, and crosscutting concepts. While the Framework describes the theoretical basis of 3D learning, empirical evidence for the development and validation of LPs for 3D learning is limited. This work addresses that issue for the topic of chemical bonding. We develop and validate a 3D construct map for chemical bonding grounded in the idea of balance of electric forces and energy minimization. A construct map represents a finer-grained LP spanning a shorter period and focusing on specific aspects of a larger-scale LP. An NGSS-aligned validated 3D LP has never been reported for the topic of chemical bonding. The LP is based on data from 9th grade Mid-Western and Western students who used the NGSS-aligned curriculum. Multiple validity evidence sources, including interview and item response theory analysis using an assessment tool developed to probe the 3D construct map levels, were used. We demonstrate the feasibility of using the assessment tool for assigning levels to individuals and groups of learners, which is essential for the practical applicability of the 3D construct map and provides teachers with information on how to promote learning. We hope that the 3D LP presented here will serve as a guide to develop instructional and assessment approaches for chemical bonding grounded in the fundamental scientific principles and aligned to NGSS.