Developing a Teacher Micro-credential for Integrating Computational Thinking Across Disciplines

Male adult student with laptop in front of him speaking into microphone

Principal Investigator: Aman Yadav

Co-Principal Investigators: Raphael Santo, Thomas Bijesse, Marc Lesser (Former Co-PI), and Carlos Leon (Former Co-PI)

Award amount: $1,733,861.00

Project dates: September 1, 2019 - August 31, 2025

As computing has become integral to the practice of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), the STEM+Computing program seeks to address emerging challenges in computational STEM areas through the applied integration of computational thinking and computing activities within STEM teaching and learning in early childhood education through high school (preK-12). 

One significant challenge is designing professional learning experiences around CS/CT integration that fit within the landscape of teacher credentialing and that can be accessed and recognized at scale within and across schools and districts. This project develops a scalable model for supporting teachers' capacity to design, implement, and iterate integrated computational thinking lessons while simultaneously providing mechanisms that support teachers' access to an integrated CT professional learning experience.

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