J. Green, J. Keane, and V. Melfi, Co-Integrate talk, Jan. 24, 2023


Please join us for another Co-Integrate event on January 24, 2023.

Dr. Jennifer Green, John Keane, and Dr. Vince Melfi will present "Fostering a Culture of Instructional Development in the Department of Statistics and Probability: Our Journey with First-Year Graduate Teaching Assistants" from 1 PM to 2:30 PM. Please join us for as much of the presentation as you can. 

ABSTRACT: How do we support graduate students in teaching introductory statistics classes, which are themselves undergoing dramatic transformation? In this talk, we will discuss lessons learned and questions still unanswered as we embark on the journey of developing an instructional mentoring program for the Department of Statistics and Probability.


Jennifer Green is an Associate Professor of Statistics Education in the Department of Statistics and Probability and the Program in Mathematics Education.

John Keane is a Teaching Specialist in the Department of Statistics and Probability and the Course Coordinator for STT 231: Statistics for Scientists, which offers 15-25 recitation sections each semester and serves over 1500 students each AY. He is pursuing his Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Educational Technology at MSU.

Vince Melfi is Associate Chair and an Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics and Probability.