Free registration for Science Leaders! MI Sci PLN January 25th meeting

07:00 - 18:59

Seasons greetings from CREATE! We would like to pass along this wonderful and generous opportunity from our friends at the Michigan Math & Science Leadership Network (MMSLN). See the message below, and check out the registration page. Make sure to scroll down to read about the upcoming meetings! 

"The holiday season is fast approaching! It’s a time to enjoy with friends (and family), and GIFTS! This holiday season, the MI Sci PLN leadership team would like to give you a gift that keeps on giving by offering free registration to attend the January 25th MI Sci PLN meeting. THIS meeting will happen only ONCE, but our time together and the memories we build will be cherished for a lifetime. Just think of all the happy teachers and schools in your region knowing that they have a science consultant working for them with the latest information and an amazing state-wide network of friends to support them."