• Peng He, Sandy Irwin, Joe Krajcik, Tingting Li, Kalonda McDonald, and Kellie Finnie looking at beakerd

Crafting Engagement for Science Environments

Peng He, Sandy Irwin, Joe Krajcik, Tingting Li, Kalonda McDonald, and Kellie Finnie looking at beakerd

Co-Principal Investigators (U.S.): Dr. Barbara Schneider and Dr. Joe Krajcik

Co-Principal Investigators (Finland): Dr. Katariina Salmela-Aro and Dr. Jari Lavonen

Funder: National Science Foundation - Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE)

Award Amount: $3.6M

Project Dates: 9/2015 - 8/2022

At MSU and the CREATE4STEM Institute, our researchers developed and implemented project-based, NGSS-aligned science curricula to engage students in high school physics and chemistry classrooms worldwide. 

The work focused on project-based learning, student engagement, growth mindset, and social-emotional learning, offering exceptional opportunities to students in traditionally underserved communities. Through hands-on, NGSS-aligned practices, students developed scientific reasoning and critical thinking skills.

While many science education methods still rely on outdated approaches, our phenomenon-driven activities taught complex scientific concepts while integrating computer modeling and other technologies. What set our model apart was its scalability and sustainability. By providing teachers with comprehensive professional development and meticulously designed curricula, we empowered them to bring these innovative practices to future generations of students year after year.

For more information about this project, go to: https://education.msu.edu/crafting-engaging-science/

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