CREATE for STEM hosts, sponsors and supports exciting events during the academic year; we are delighted to help promote other STEM education events at Michigan State University and in the larger STEM education research community. Please let us know if you are having an event that we can help advertise.
Our yearly Seminar Series has been planned for Fall 2024 and planning is underway for spring 2025. The annual mini-conference is anticipated for May 2025, and there will be other miscellaneous STEM education events scheduled throughout the academic year. Please check back often!
Past Events
04 Jun 00:00
MMSLN invites you to join the Responsive Teaching Institute, June 3, 2020
The Responsive Teaching Institute is an opportunity for educators to examine instruction from an equity perspective. -
22 May 07:00
Science Chats! Friday, hosted by MMSLN (free events), May 22 and May 29, 2020
The 5/22 event, Drs. Amelia Wenk Gotwals and Tanya S. Wright will discuss the components of their K-2 integrated science and literacy, SOLID Start, project. The 5/29 event will focus on the collaboration between Fox 2 Detroit's Lori Pinson and NSTA. -
21 May 02:00
NSTA hosts Transforming Science Learning: Don't Turn the Page Yet! May 20, 2020
Join NSTA on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, starting at 7:00 pm ET to explore interactive reading strategies to engage students that connect children's books to the practices of science and engineering. -
20 May 22:00
MMSLN Math Chat, May 20, 2020
Are you a math educator in Michigan? The MMSLN wants to provide connection opportunities that are supportive of our mathematics leaders. We invite you to join in the next MMSLN Math Chat. FREE. No charge and no membership required. -
20 May 01:00
CHED-CERC webinar event - rescheduled for May 19, 2020
The ACS-DivCHED Chemistry Education Research (CER) Committee invites you to participate in a webinar series dedicated to supporting the advancement of chemistry education. -
14 May 23:00
AGI "Promoting Diversity in the Geosciences" webinar, May 14, 2020
Lyda Hill Philanthropies, Nautilus, and the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) are proud to collaborate through Earth Science Week to advance the vision of IF/THEN®, an initiative of Lyda Hill Philanthropies in promoting girls and women in STEM. -
14 May 20:00
NSF Electronic Research Administration Forum, May 14, 2020
The National Science Foundation is hosting the eighth (free) ERA Forum Webinar on May 14, 2020, from 1:00 - 2:30 PM Eastern Time. The Foundation looks forward to your participation in this event. -
13 May 22:00
Science On a Sphere, "Fossils" courtesy of MSU Museum, May 13, 2020
It's Museum Week! Tune into the MSU Museum’s Facebook page ( at 3pm for a watch party together of our newest Science On a Sphere presentation about fossils! Education assistant Nick VanAcker will be online to answer your questions! -
13 May 07:00
STEM for ALL showcase ends today at 8pm. Please vote for our MSU colleagues!
The STEM for All Video Showcase is LIVE! Approximately 200 projects funded by NSF and other federal agencies will be sharing three-minute videos of their innovative work related to STEM teaching and learning in formal and informal environments. -
09 May 03:00
Distance Learning Follow Up: Round Table Discussions, Friday, May 8, 2020
MSELA is hosting a get-together with other educators across the state to discuss what is working in distance learning, and what challenges you are facing. -
01 May 19:00
MSU Natural Science Undergrad Research Scholars present on May 1, 2020. Please join us!
Undergraduates research scholars in the MSU College of Natural Science will be presenting a webinar to discuss their research, experiences and more. -
30 Apr 07:00
CANCELED - CREATE Mini-Conference - April 30, 2020
We are disappointed to announce that the 2020 CREATE Mini-Conference has been canceled due to the ongoing concerns over Coronavirus spread.