Carbon TIME professional learning for 22/23 begins Aug. 1, 2022


The NextGenPBL team from the MSU CREATE for STEM Institute is excited to support teachers as they implement Carbon TIME curriculum in classrooms this upcoming year! Carbon: Transformations in Matter and Energy (Carbon TIME) Professional Learning Sessions provide participants with experiences to support their use of Carbon TIME curricular units in their classrooms, with the ultimate goal of developing students’ environmental science literacy and engaging in experiences to figure out natural phenomena. 

Carbon: Transformations in Matter and Energy (Carbon TIME) includes 6 NGSS-aligned MS/HS teaching units and coordinated 3-dimensional assessments that focus on processes that transform matter and energy in organisms, ecosystems, and global systems: combustion, photosynthesis, cellular respiration, digestion, and biosynthesis.  Students use these cellular and chemical processes to explain the functioning of organisms – plants, animals, decomposers – as well as ecological and global carbon cycling.

For information about Carbon TIME, go to

To find out more about the 22-23 program, including the schedule, fees, and presenters, see the attached documents below.

To register, go to Registration 

CarbonTIME 2022-2023 Program.pdf

Final CarbonTIME flyer 22.23.png