Handbook of Research on Science Learning Progressions


Gathering contributions from leading scholars around the world, this handbook offers a comprehensive resource on the most recent advances in research surrounding the theories, methodologies, and applications of science learning progressions. Researchers and educators have used learning progressions to guide the design and alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment, and to help students learn scientific knowledge and practices in a coherent and connected way across multiple years. This handbook lays out the development and current state of research in this field across four sections: learning progression theories and methodologies; learning progressions to promote student learning; teachers’ learning and use of learning progressions; and new technology in learning progression research.


Chapters featuring CREATE authors:

An Introduction to Science Learning Progression Research, Hui Jin, Joseph Krajcik, and Duanli Yan

On the Critiques of Learning Progression Research, Hui Jin and Joseph Krajcik

Development and Validation of Knowledge-In-Use Learning Progressions, Leonora Kaldaras and Joseph Krajcik

Developing Three-Dimensional Learning Progressions of Energy, Interaction, and Matter at Middle School Level, Peng He, Namsoo Shin, Joseph Krajcik

Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Learning Progression-Based Learning Systems to Support Student Knowledge-in-Use, Peng He, Namsoo Shin, Leonora Kaldaras, Joseph Krajcik

Reflections on the Education Value of Learning Progressions, Joseph Krajcik, Hui Jin, Duanli Yan

Authors List

Hui Jin

Joseph Krajcik

Duanli Yan