Current Projects
Culturally Responsive Project-Based Learning Intervention in Secondary Science
Principal Investigators: Joseph Krajcik, Barbara Schneider, Clausell Mathis, Sheneka Williams (Michigan State Unversity)
Project Partners: Alabama A&M University, Winston-Salem University, and the STEPP Center at Northwestern's Institute for Policy Research
Funder: The Office of Elementary & Secondary Education
Award Amount: $7,722,448.00
Supporting High School Students in Constructing Quantitative Knowledge-in-Use of Energy
Principal Investigator: Joseph Krajcik
Co-Principal Investigators: Knut Neuman (IPN; Jeffrey Nordine (University of Iowa) and David Fortus (Weizmann Institute of Science).
Award amount: $1.9M Project dates: 07/01/2023 - 7/31/2027
Funder: Institute of Education Sciences
Developing a Teacher Micro-credential for Integrating Computational Thinking Across Disciplines
Principal Investigator: Aman Yadav
Co-Principal Investigators: Raphael Santo, Thomas Bijesse, Marc Lesser (Former Co-PI), and Carlos Leon (Former Co-PI)
Award amount: $1,733,861.00
Project dates: September 1, 2019 - August 31, 2025
Collaborative Research: Modeling inclusive computational thinking instruction
Principal Investigator: Aman Yadav
Co-principal investigators: Christina Schwarz and Emily Bouck
Award amount: $1,300,000.00
Project dates: September 1, 2023 - August 31, 2027 (estimated)
3DLP (Learning Progression)
Principal Investigator: Peng He
Co-Principal Investigator: Namsoo Shin
Award Amount: $449,960.00
Project Dates: 9/1/2022 - 8/31/2025
Funder: U.S. National Science Foundation
Auto Feedback 3DLP
Principal Investigator: Kevin Haudek
Co-Principal Investigators: Joseph Krajcik (MSU, and Leonora Kaldaras (Texas Tech University)
Project Dates: 9/1/2022 - 8/31/2026
Award Amount: $1,547,918.00
Funder: U.S. National Science Foundation
Assessing Mathematical Sensemaking in Science (AMASS)
Principal Investigator: Kevin Haudek
Co-Principal Investigators: Melanie Cooper and Rachel Henderson
Project Partners: Jennifer Kaplan of Middle Tennessee State University, Anita Schuchardt of the University of Minnesota, and Michael Fleming of the University of California-Stanislaus.
Project Dates: March 15, 2023 - February 28, 2027 (estimated)
Award Amount: $699,918.00
Funder: U.S. National Science Foundation
Health in Our Hands: A New Genomic Framework for Schools and Communities
Principal Investigator: Joseph Krajcik
Project Manager: Irene Bayer
Project Dates: 2014-2019
Award Amount: $214,079.00
Funder: Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA), supported by the National Institutes of Health ________________________________________________________________________________
Supporting Instructional Decision Making (PASTA)
Principal Investigator: Joseph Krajcik
Project Collaborators: WestEd, University of Georgia, and University of Illinois-Chicago
Project Dates: September 1, 2021 - August 31, 2025
Award Amount: $889,999.00
Funder: U.S. National Science Foundation