Carbon TIME
The SOLID Start project provides a unique opportunity for K-2 teachers to develop their professional skills by integrating science and literacy. Through the use of unit and daily driving questions, multi-modal investigations, read alouds, writing activities, and synthesis discussions designed specifically for young children, teachers can engage students with exciting units of study that build both oral language skills as well as an understanding of scientific phenomena. Teacher Tips provided throughout the curriculum offer support to ensure successful implementation.
Developing Quantitative Knowledge-in-Use about Energy - new project!
We are delighted to announce that CREATE for STEM has been awarded $1.9m from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) for a study that will focus on high school physics students and building their "kno
Assessing Mathematical Sensemaking in Science (AMaSS)
Congratulations to all of the PI's and university partners involved in the new NSF-funded collaborative grant "Assessing Mathematical Sensemaking in Science (AMaSS)": Kevin Haudek, Melanie Cooper and Rachel Henderson at MSU; Anita Schuchardt
Journal of Chemical Education Festschrift awarded to Dr. Melanie Cooper
Collaborative Research: Scaffolding Computational Thinking Through Multilevel System Modeling
Principal Investigator: Joseph Krajcik
Project Dates: 9/15/2018 - August 31, 2023
Award Amount: $1,272,353.00
Funder: U.S. National Science Foundation
Assessing Mathematical Sensemaking in Science (AMASS)
Principal Investigator: Kevin Haudek
Co-Principal Investigators: Melanie Cooper and Rachel Henderson
Project Partners: Jennifer Kaplan of Middle Tennessee State University, Anita Schuchardt of the University of Minnesota, and Michael Fleming of the University of California-Stanislaus.
Project Dates: March 15, 2023 - February 28, 2027 (estimated)
Award Amount: $699,918.00
Funder: U.S. National Science Foundation
Health in Our Hands: A New Genomic Framework for Schools and Communities
Principal Investigator: Joseph Krajcik
Project Manager: Irene Bayer
Project Dates: 2014-2019
Award Amount: $214,079.00
Funder: Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA), supported by the National Institutes of Health ________________________________________________________________________________